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April 12 Prayer/Action Alert: Be Strong

By April 12, 2019Washington
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“But as for you, be strong and do not give up,
for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

“The only fight which is lost is that which we give up.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Lutheran pastor

These were the encouraging words our state Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator mailed to those who are praying for our state legislators this session. I hope they are an encouragement to you today.

The 2019 legislative session ends on April 28, and we need you to keep praying and taking action! I so appreciate the faithful prayers and actions of those like yourself, those who volunteer within our Encourage-A-Legislator program, Steering Committee members, Prayer/Action Leaders and Home Team Captains. You are the heart and hands of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Washington!

40 Days for Life Update
This is it! With one week to go, we know of 374 babies spared from abortion because you answered the call to pray at your local 40 Days for Life vigil! Haven’t made it out yet? It’s not too late.

40 Days for Life is a wonderful opportunity to put one of our CWA core issues into action!  Please add your presence and prayers to your local 40 Days for Life gatherings.

Legislative Update
We are in the final three weeks of the 2019 Washington State legislative session.  Keep praying, sharing information with others, and contacting your three state legislators.  Click here to find out who your legislators are and how to contact them. You can call the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. or Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., to easily leave a message for all three of your state legislators. Please identify yourself as a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington and politely express your opinion.

For the bills listed below, click on the bill number to check the most current status and for additional bill information.

Keep Up the Pressure!

SB 5395 substitute – mandates state-defined comprehensive sexual health education for all public schools. Thanks to your efforts, this bill has stalled in the House Education Committee. However, it could be revived by House leadership or brought up in a special session.  Pray that won’t happen!

SB 5082 promotes and expands social-emotional learning. CWA opposes this bill because it would impose state-defined values on our children rather than families teaching their cultural or religious values.

Current status: April 9, passed through Rules Committee and is on 2nd reading.  Next, it will go to the floor and voted on by all members of the House of Representatives.

Take Action: Contact your two representatives through the Hotline to request a NO vote! 

SB 5356 substitute – relating to establishing the Washington state LGBTQ commission.  This bill would create a commission to protect a particular group of people.  We believe everyone’s rights should be equally protected based on the liberties outlined in the U. S. Bill of Rights.  Setting up a commission to specifically protect one group of people could jeopardize our constitutionally protected freedoms such as religious liberty and freedom of speech.

Current status: April 8, passed through the House Appropriations Committee and is on Rules 2 review, then headed to the House floor for a vote.  Already passed Senate 34:14.

Take Action: Contact your two representatives and ask for a NO vote on SB 5356. 

HB 1016 relating to hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection. CWA supports this bill.

Current status: Passed in the House 96:0. In the Senate: April 9 In Rules Committee for 2nd reading and headed to the Senate floor for a vote.

Take action: Call your senator and ask for a YES vote on this bill. 

Remember, be strong and do not give up!  Pray and take action to protect your freedoms!

If you are interested in helping CWA grow in this state, please contact the state office through the telephone number, e-mail or mailing address below.  As a member, you are very appreciated!  This is your CWA!

In His Service,
Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072