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Act on the Heartbeat Bill Today!

By March 3, 2018Iowa
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CWA of Iowa sends Action Alerts only when absolutely necessary – this is urgent!


Having passed the Iowa Senate on a 30-20 vote with Sen. Amy Sinclair’s closing speech, 2-28-18, the Heartbeat Bill’s fate now rests in the Iowa House and the fate of thousands of Iowa babies with it.

FIND your State Representative, tap on their name to see bio and contact information.

Call them at home THIS WEEKEND as they are expected to determine how to precede on Monday, 3-3-18.

Be kind, understand they are likely hearing from the angry pink-hatted promoters of death.  Encourage them and make it clear that killing innocent life in the womb is not compassionate, it’s unacceptable.   Even more, at 6-8 weeks a detectable heartbeat is sure proof of a life ordained by God – to stop it for any reason is inexcusable and indefensible!

Ask your PASTOR to talk about this from the pulpit as we have only two days to act.   Many will pray – we all should – but as James warns faith without works is dead spiritually.  The fact is, if we fail to act many more Iowa babies will be dead literally.  Protecting life is Biblical more than political.  We can’t expect right action in the State House if we fail to take right action in God’s House.

Urgent, but easy as 1,2,3:

  1. Call your State Representative this weekend and urge them to support the Heartbeat Bill.
  2.   Email all State Representatives and ask them to support the Heartbeat Bill.
  3.   Ask church members and friends to do the same.

Above all else, PRAY and act in a way that honors a loving and just God.  Many lives depend on us and our action today.  Winning lives for eternity depends on our actions every day.

Saving a few until we can save them all!!

Tamara Scott
State Director
Concerned Women For America