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State Legislative Update: Education and State Constitution

By February 27, 2018South Dakota


SB94 would make the Opportunity Scholarship available to qualifying homeschool students.  We support this good bill, and it has been receiving good backing in the legislature.

STATUS: SB94 passed in the Senate, passed in the House State Affairs yesterday morning with a vote of 11-1, and will now be voted on in the House. Click here to view the bill, the votes, and track the status.

ACTION:  Contact your state representatives and ask them to vote YES on SB94. Us this example:, phone the House lobby and leave a message at (605) 773-3821, or click here to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them individually.

SB117 is another good bill that is receiving favorable consideration.  It would make a few adjustments to the Partners in Education program that they are required to do as the program progresses.

STATUS: SB117 passed in the Senate and passed in the House Education Committee.  It will next be heard in the House. Click here to view the bill, the votes, and track the status.

ACTION:  Contact your state representatives and ask them to support SB117. Use this example:, phone the House lobby and leave a message at (605) 773-3821, or click here to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them individually.


SJR1 is a joint resolution that would be submitted to the voters in the November 2018 election for their approval.  If approved, it will change the threshold to make an amendment to our state constitution.  Any change thereafter would require a 55% vote of the people rather than the current 50%.

CWA supports this effort because any amendments to our Constitution should be considered with arduous and careful effort.

STATUS: In January it passed the Senate. SJR1 passed in the House State Affairs Committee yesterday, February, 26 with a vote of 12-2.  Click here to view the resolution, the votes, and track the status.

No action needed at this time.

PRAYER:  Please pray for these issues.  Pray for your representatives by name as you contact them.  Pray they do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord.

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota