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State Director Testifies in Support of Increased Control Over Local Education

By April 27, 2017Maine
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Statement by
Penelope A. Morrell, State Director
Concerned Women for America of Maine

To Members of the Education and Cultural Services Committee
Regarding L.D. #1416, “An Act to Amend High School Diploma Standards”

April 27, 2017

Chairmen Senator Langley, Representative Kornfield and distinguished members of the Education and Cultural Services Committee, I’m Penny Morrell, State Director of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine.

CWA of Maine supports L.D. #1416, An Act to Amend High School Diploma Standards.

Concerned Women for America is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation and supports parents battling insidious federal overreach in education.

Because this bill allows local districts to determine the courses needed for a diploma and what is expected to earn a credit, we believe it takes a giant step forward in our education priority.  Local control is needed in public education to meet the needs of individual localities and students, and a “one size fits all” approach to education isn’t workable as we have observed since Common Core and Proficiency Based Education standards have been introduced.

We urge this committee to unanimously support L.D. #1416.