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Capitol Hill Brief — Join the Effort!

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The situation for the Christian Church in the Middle East is not an easy problem with a simple solution.  For us, it requires a change of heart that gets us closer to the compassion and mercy exhibited by our Lord.

If we are to accomplish the mission He has given us, we must gain a proper perspective when it comes to the persecuted church.

We must be intentional in prayer and seeking opportunities to inform ourselves and those around us.

The situation is truly dire as they are targeted because of their faith. Though some may think there’s nothing we can do, Concerned Women for America believes in the power of prayer and action.  So, come to our website, learn more, and join the effort to support the persecuted church!

As Christians, we have a responsibility to protect our persecuted brothers and sisters and defend religious liberty worldwide. Visit to sign our petition to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today! If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.