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Your Last Chance to Stop the National Women’s History Museum in the House

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Penny-nwhm-fbToday the House is expected to vote on a bill to create a National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) on our National Mall.

This proposed museum will glorify abortion and fuel the radical feminist movement for decades to come unless safeguards are added to ensure that an accurate and complete view of women’s history is portrayed.

Why do we believe the NWHM will be a jaundiced view of history? Concerned Women for America has found that eight out of the ten NWHM board members are pro-abortion and leftist in their ideology.

We cannot stand idly by while liberals prepare to indoctrinate our children with a warped version of history that highlights “free-love” and promiscuity, while ignoring women who have fought for family values and pro-life legislation.

Sadly, it is likely that Americans across the country could foot the bill for this national shrine to the radical feminist agenda. While supporters of the museum claim that not one dime of federal funds will be used, the NWHM website clearly states they will apply to be affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution once they have a physical location. The Smithsonian Institution receives over 65 percent of its funding from the American taxpayer and received $805 million in FY 2014.

We need your help right now!

Act Now:

  1. Please call your representative at 202-225-3121 and ask him/her to oppose the NWHM until sufficient safeguards are in place to ensure that the NWHM portrays an accurate and complete view of women’s history. Ask your representative to speak to Leader Cantor and urge him not to bring H.R. 863 to the House floor until the concerns surrounding the museum are resolved.
  2. Please call Leader Cantor at 202-225-2815 and tell him not to bring this bill for a vote in the House until safeguards are added to protect our legacy.