Yet Another Successful “Issues in Focus” Event

By June 14, 2016Illinois

RoseDr. Rose Binns was the second featured speaker for the 2016 CWA of Illinois “Issues in Focus” dinner meetings in Freeport on April 19. Dr. Rose Binns is founder and Executive Director of Clear Dome Ministry, a counseling service located in Cedarville, Illinois. The topic for the evening was “A Holocaust Child’s Journey to Freedom”.

Binns gave an account of the persecution Hungarian/Gypsies suffered during World War II. Attendees were moved by her transparency as she recanted her experiences as a holocaust child in a Hungarian concentration/refugee camp – including a miraculous rescue from a garbage dump where she was left for dead.

Rose shared how her faith in God helped her overcome the depths of poverty, domestic violence, abandonment, and sexual abuse by those who were assigned to be her caretakers. She diligently took courses for 15 years while raising three children as a single mother, receiving both a Masters in Counseling and Doctorate in Christian Psychology and Ministry.

friendsBy God’s providence, another Gypsy Holocaust victim was in attendance. When asked about her experience the elderly women replied, “It’s too sad to speak about.” The two plan to continue their new-found friendship. Part of Rose’s ministry is to bring awareness that Hungarian/Gypsies suffered persecution along with the Jewish people.

Attendees were treated to Hungarian goulash, Hungarian slaw, Challah bread, and Julia Child’s Hungarian shortcake.

Please consider attending the next “Issues in Focus” dinner. Contact State Director Debbie Leininger at or 815-297-2918 for details.