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Would You Commit to Encouraging a Legislator?

By November 14, 2018South Dakota
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I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  I Timothy 2:1

Dear CWA Friends,

It is time to recruit “encouragers” for our Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign for the 2019 South Dakota Legislative Session. This is our 20th year of Encourage-A-Legislator! Some of you have been dedicated encouragers with us from the very beginning and we appreciate your faithfulness.

We live in challenging times. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that much prayer is needed to restrain the enemy’s assault on our culture.

Will you commit to adopting a legislator and praying for him or her daily during the session beginning in January? Each week you will send your assigned legislator a CWA-provided postcard pre-printed with a Scripture verse or inspirational quote. Simply express appreciation for the legislator’s service and note your prayers for him. Finally, add a postcard stamp and mail the card on a specified date.

Many legislators responded to your prayers and encouraging postcards last year with words of appreciation. Your efforts encourage and build bridges with the conservative legislators as well as those who do not typically agree with CWA. Your benefit as an “encourager” is that you are energized and blessed to be a part of this effort.

If you wish to participate in our Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign this year, please reply by noting your commitment and providing your physical address.  You will receive your postcards and instructions just prior to the opening of the 2019 South Dakota Legislative Session early in January.

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.

Linda Schauer
State Director