Women’s Sports Bill Moves to Senate! Action Needed Today!

By April 16, 2022Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed HB 972, “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.”  Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania continues to be your voice at the Capitol on this very important issue, and we were present for the vote. You can read my press release here and more about HB 972 here.

The bill is now in the Senate. Far-left activists continue to aggressively oppose the bill. Engage today to help stop their efforts!

The “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” will prohibit biological men from competing on women’s scholastic sports teams. It would ensure that female athletes will continue to be afforded the opportunity to compete on a level playing field.

ACT TODAY! Please email, call, or tweet your State Senator through our Action Center HERE and urge them to protect women’s sports. Girls should not be forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams. 

Be sure to share this information with like-minded family and friends.

Visit Concerned Women for America’s Standing With Female Athletes page for timely resources on this issue. Read CWA’s Fact Sheet – Protect Women’s Sports. 

Please pray for your State Senator by name. Pray for boldness and wisdom, and protection.

From Knees to Feet,

Dilonna Coran
State Director