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Women for America Stands with Roanoke College NCAA Female Athletes Forced to Accept a Male on their Team

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For Immediate Release
October 5, 2023

Contact:  CWA Communications Team

Women for America Stands with Roanoke College NCAA Female Athletes Forced to Accept a Male on their Team

Blasts NCAA and Sports Bodies for Failing Female Athletes

Washington, D.C.  – Today, Concerned Women for America (CWA) and Young Women for America (YWA) leaders joined the Roanoke College women’s swimming team in speaking out against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), USA Swimming, and the college who have allowed a biological male who has “transitioned” in the last year to join the 2023-24 women’s swim team. The biological male athlete was rostered on the Roanoke College men’s swim team in previous seasons. 

In a press conference today, Roanoke College women’s team captains, surrounded by other female athletes and supporting organizations, spoke out against being blindsided and the emotional blackmail they endured over their opposition to male inclusion in female sports. 

Concerned Women for America, Young Women for America, Independent Council on Women’s Sports, Independent Women’s Forum, Women’s Liberation Front, and other organizations joined together in support of these young swimmers.

“Today, we stand in solidarity with the Roanoke College female swim team, saying that all female athletes deserve fair competition and equality. Forcing these ladies to stand up for their civil rights and threatening them to accept a biological male who ‘identifies’ as a woman on their team is anti-woman and discriminatory,” Teresa Pregnall, State Director for CWA of Virginia.

“Athletes work so hard in their sports. Hours upon hours. Years upon years. Striving to place at championships, win medals, and earn spots on collegiate teams,” said Halli Gravely, a collegiate athlete in Virginia and YWA Ambassador. “And the fact that all of that hard work can be taken away because a male competes on a female team is a disgrace to women. There is a difference between males and females. A unique biological difference. Males have more strength, power, and muscle mass. It is a scientific fact that men and women are created different. And everything about how our sports are structured recognized the uniqueness of men and women.”

“The NCAA has no right telling Roanoke College or the Commonwealth of Virginia to turn its back on protecting its women athletes and its obligations under Title IX. By upholding female-only sports teams, Roanoke College can stand in solidarity with women and send a message to the NCAA and all its member institutions and we call on them to do so,” said Pregnall.

Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy organization for women; we are dedicated to promoting Biblical values and Constitutional principles. More information is available at