What You Can Do to Reject infanticide and the reckless crusade to expand late-term abortion!

The U.S. Senate is poised to vote Monday, February 25, on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.  This crucial legislation would shield a newborn who survives an attempted abortion from being denied the right to live.  Doctors would be required to provide the same medical care to a newborn survivor of abortion that would be offered to any other baby at the same gestational age.

Unfortunately — unbelievably! — infants born alive are not guaranteed these protections under federal law, giving abortion doctors the green light to turn their backs on a helpless baby after a botched abortion.  Such negligence is nothing less than enabling infanticide.

We need you to act today.  Too many senators are in the pocket of the big abortion lobby.  They are doing everything they can to avoid the issue and obstruct a vote.   Even if your senators are strong on the life issue, they need to hear from you and know you are standing with them.

U.S. senators are home next week (February 19-22), and a vote is expected when they return.  We are asking you to visit the district offices nearest you NEXT WEEK and tell your two U.S. senators to reject infanticide and vote for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

If you are unable to visit in person, please contact both of your senators.  Time is short, so please make this a priority! (Here is the link to our action center with a sample message you can personalize.)

It is unbelievable that saving a newborn baby fighting for life should be a partisan issue.  But the left has completely rejected common sense.  They are not willing to call infanticide for what it is and are spreading lies about the need for the legislation.  Here’s the truth: federal law does not protect a survivor of abortion.  At least one-third of states, including New York, have extreme abortion laws that make infanticide LEGAL.  Virginia Gov Ralph Northam publicly endorsed infanticide when he defended a radical abortion proposal that would make abortion legal at any time in pregnancy, including while giving birth!  This is insanity.

Thank you for taking action on this issue.  Please pray that the U.S. Senate will vote to save these little ones.