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Join Us in Defeating the Video Lottery Bill

By January 19, 2016South Dakota

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil: Who put darkness for light and light for darkness: Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”  –Isaiah 5:20


Every year there is an attempt to expand video lottery in South Dakota, and this year is no exception.  HB1048, is An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the authority of the South Dakota Lottery Commission to regulate video lottery.

HB1048 would increase bet limits and the number of machines allowed per establishment.  HB1048 would also remove the Legislature’s oversight of the South Dakota Lottery Commission regarding video lottery and give rule making authority to this unelected and appointed seven member committee.

HB1048 has been assigned for its first hearing in the House Commerce and Energy Committee.  Click here to view the members of that committee.  If passed in committee, HB1048 will go to the full House for a vote.

Concerned Women for America has consistently opposed any expansion of gambling!

  • Video lottery is highly addictive.
  • It contributes to the breakdown of the family.
  • It leads to inability to provide for the family.
  • It leads to poverty, job loss, depression, suicide, embezzlement, etc.
  • It is a disgraceful way to fund the government.
  • Legislative oversight is required to avoid further expansion and corruption.

ACTION:  Please contact members of the House Commerce and Energy Committee and also your two state representatives and urge them to oppose HB1048.  You may give a brief reason for your position.

Click here to send an e-mail to your representatives. Use the drop down menu to find your legislators.   Click here to find the legislators in your district.  You can also phone the House lobby to leave a message for your legislators at (605) 773-3851.

God bless you for your prayers and action.