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We Made a Difference! Sen. Heitkamp Announced She Will Vote to Confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch!

By April 3, 2017North Dakota
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What does it mean?  It means through the ministry of CWA of North Dakota, together, we were part of persuading Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota) to support Judge Gorsuch.  We regularly highlighted Judge Gorsuch’s qualifications in our communications to her.  We continually expressed that, similar to Scalia, he is a constitutionalist, who believes the Constitution should be interpreted as written and rejects the liberal proposition of a “living, breathing document.” Plus, we wouldn’t let Heitkamp forget the fact that no one on either side of the aisle opposed Gorsuch when he was up for confirmation for the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Since January of 2017, CWA of North Dakota and its members have asked Sen. Heitkamp  to support the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch.  We have sent countless emails and phone calls to her office.  I have met with her staff and repeatedly asked for a meeting with her in person which I never did obtain.  I’ve written letters to the editor that were published expressing our desire for Heitkamp to support Gorsuch and to meet with me concerning it.  On March 1 we met on the steps of the Bismarck Capitol Building for the Support Gorsuch Rally at which I spoke.  CWA national sent me to Washington, D.C., to participate in their Support Gorsuch Rally.

Thank you!  Thank you all for your participation in these efforts.

Please take a quick minute and email Sen. Heitkamp.  You can be sure that she is hearing from the opposition today.  She needs to know that we appreciate her decision to support Gorsuch!

Click here to e-mail her right now.

CWA of North Dakota will continue to shine the light on the issues of our day: sanctity of life, defense of the family, education, religious liberty, sexual exploitation, support for Israel, and national sovereignty.

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  • Partner with us by giving a tax-deductible gift towards the work of CWA of North Dakota. We are run by all volunteers. Therefore all contributions go straight to the work at hand for education materials, gas money for trips to the state capitol, postcards for our Encourage-A-Legislator project, events and more.  Click here to contribute online to CWA of North Dakota or send us a check to the address below written out to “Concerned Women for America.”  Be sure to put “CWA of North Dakota” on the memo line.

Psalm 43: 2-4

“Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!
Let them lead me;
Let them bring me to Your holy hill
And to Your tabernacle.
Then I will go to the altar of God,
To God my exceeding joy;
And on the harp I will praise You,
O God, my God.”


Linda Thorson

State Director
CWA of North Dakota
P.O. Box 213
Park River, ND 58270