March 27 Prayer/Action Alert

By March 27, 2019Washington

“A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.” James Madison wisely warned us that we need to be informed. Given the ease of learning about what is happening in government, we have no excuse for not acting upon our concerns. Thank you for praying, being educated, and taking action on bills currently in the Washington State Legislature. Your responses are helping turn the tide on some very bad bills that would seriously infringe on our First Amendment rights and our family authority.

Legislative Update
We are in the final weeks of the 2019 Washington State legislative session. Keep praying, sharing information with others, and contacting your three state legislators. Click here to find out who your legislators are and how to contact them. You can call the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. or Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., to easily leave a message for any of your three state legislators. Please identify yourself as a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington and politely express your opinion.

For the bills listed below, click on the bill number to check the most current status and for additional bill information.

CWA of Washington is actively engaged in opposing two very dangerous bills: SB 5395, Comprehensive Sex Education and SB 5082, Social Emotional Learning. Your calls and emails have been noticed, but we must keep up the pressure!

Substitute SB 5395 mandates state-defined comprehensive sexual health education for all public schools.This bill is an invasion of our families’ right to teach their values to their children at the appropriate ages. It also interferes with the people’s right to elect school board members who will represent their community’s values. CWA opposes this bill.

SB5082 promotes and expands social-emotional learning. As with SB 5395, this bill imposes state-defined standards for behavior and healthy relationships and ignores cultural and religious diversity. While we promote respectful treatment of all others despite differences, this bill would criminalize certain beliefs regarding sexuality.  CWA opposes this bill.

Immediate Action Needed!
The Executive Session for the Education Committee meets this Thursday, March 28, so we have until Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. to influence the committee. The chairman decides which bills the committee will vote on, so our input RIGHT NOW is especially important.

Please call the following four people and urge them to oppose both SB 5395 and SB 5082.

  1. House Education Committee Chair Sharon Tomiko-Santos (D-District 37) Phone: (360) 786-7944.
  2. Minority Leader Mike Steele (R-District 12) Phone: (360) 786-7832.
  3. Your state representatives. If you have already called, please call again.

Additional Action Item for SB 5395
From Research Mom, a frequent speaker at our CWA meetings:“Send a message to your school and our legislators by opting out of mandated sexual health education for your children TODAY!”

Fill out the “Washington State Parent and Student Opt-Out Notice” and submit a copy to your school AND email a copy to your two representatives and one senator. Email a copy to everyone on the House Education Committee

You may be told you must view the curriculum first (not necessary) or you may be told that the timing is wrong. By submitting this letter, you are putting themon notice that you are serious about taking your child out of sexual health education classes this year and in the future.

SB 5356 relates to theestablishment of the Washington State LGBTQ Commission. There is no mention of religious liberty in the text of this bill nor any mention of people of faith on the commission. There is a very real danger to our First Amendment rights being outlawed if this commission is established. CWA opposes this bill.

Current Status: March 27 – Scheduled for Executive Session in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations at 1:30 p.m. (Subject to change).
Take Action: Contact your two representatives and ask for a NO vote on SB 5356.

HB 1016-relating to hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection. CWA supports this bill.

 Current Status: Passed in the House 96:0.
In the Senate: March 29 – Scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care at 8:00 a.m. (Subject to change).
Take Action: Call your senator and ask for a YES vote on this bill.

We must be watchmen on the wall for God’s principles, so please pray for our families and our state and our nation, that we remain One Nation Under God.

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072


To support our work, please consider donating online here. If you choose to mail a check to our post office box, write “CWA” on the main line and “CWA of WA” on the memo line.  Thank you!