Vote “NO” On Question 1 ~ Stop the Scam

By October 18, 2018Maine

As you may know by now, the referendum process in our state has been overtaken by radical left wing and Democrat party bad actors.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7).

If you haven’t already voted early, which you can do at your municipality’s town office, please be sure to vote “No” on Q-1 on November 6.

Question 1 on the November 2018 ballot would increase income taxes by more than $300 million annually in order to fund a new government program of home care services. 

  • This would be the largest tax increase in Maine’s history.
  • All seniors over the age of 65 and those with disabilities would be eligible for the new program.  There is no income eligibility test; millionaires could receive services.
  • A quasi-privatized new board would be created to run the program; most of the program’s structure is not created by the referendum and is delegated to this new board.
  • It is highly unlikely that the taxes raised would meet all the demands and so new waitlists are contemplated by the referendum.
  • There is a significant forced-unionization component for some of the homecare workforce as well.

Because we are a small state, out-of-state players know that if they can get legislation like this through Maine, it can then sweep the country.  Mainers need to say “No.”

Take Action:

  • Vote “No” on Question 1 on the Maine ballot November 6.
  • Send this e-alert to friends and family and encourage them to both pray and act on this issue.

Please pray with me: “Dear Father, protect the state of Maine from out-of-state players that use our referendum process to ask us to vote on far-left proposals that hurt our citizens and are not in the best interests of Maine. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Your Son.  Amen.”

Summary Of Q-1: 

Household income tax.  At its most basic, the referendum requires a new 3.8% payroll tax on Maine “adjusted gross income” above $128,400 on all individual and joint filers in Maine.  Each of these provisions requires further explanation.

Employer Tax.  Contained within this 3.8% tax is an obligation on certain employers of certain wage earners to pay half of the tax (1.9%).  When these employees file their personal income taxes, they can count the tax paid by the employer as a credit against their 3.8% tax obligation.

Read more about this issue on the Maine State Chamber of Commerce website. 

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine

Partner with CWA of Maine through your financial support. We are continually grateful for those who give to the work of CWA of ME. When you give to the state, all funds are used for state projects. To contribute your tax-deductible gift to CWA of ME, please send a check written out to “Concerned Women for America” with “CWA of ME” on the memo line, and send to CWA of Maine, 864 Manchester Rd., Belgrade, ME  04917. Or, CWA of ME to contribute online.

Your involvement, financial gifts, and prayers could not be more appreciated.  Thank you!