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Virginia Female Athletes Need Your Voice!

By February 3, 2024Virginia
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Last week, I alerted you to SB723, a bill prohibiting biological males from competing on female athletic teams in Virginia. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Virginia and Young Women for America (YWA) Ambassadors from Liberty University testified in support of the bill. You can watch CWA’s testimonies here and YWA’s testimonies here.

Thank you for your prayers and calls to the committee members. The outcome of the hearing was not in our favor, and SB723 was defeated.

The defeat will not deter CWA of Virginia! This week, HB1120, the House version of the women’s sports bill, will be heard in committee on Tuesday. I will be present to testify in support of the bill because females suffer physical, mental, emotional, and financial harm when biological males participate in female sports.

Fast action is needed again!
HB1120 will be heard in the House Education Subcommittee: K-12 Subcommittee on Tuesday, February 6. It is critical that the subcommittee members hear from Virginians on this important issue. Please call or email and urge them to SUPPORT HB1120. The committee list is below my signature. 

Join us in prayer: Father God, we pray for the passage of HB1120 and that the eyes of the members of the Virginia General Assembly be opened to see the need to protect females in female sports from competing against biological males. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him;  Male and female created He them; and blessed them …” Genesis 5:1-2

Thank you for your prayer and action.

Teresa Pregnall
State Director

House Education Subcommittee: K-12 Subcommittee Members