Virginia Board of Health Has Decided to Review Abortion Regulations Despite the Facts

By December 9, 2014Virginia

VA BOH pics

Elections have consequences. That continues to play over and over in my mind, and the Virginia’s Board of Health meeting on December 4th is a prime example. Since Gov. Terry McAuliffe took office not quite one year ago, he has stacked the deck and issued Executive Order #1 to direct the Board of Health to conduct periodic review of the Abortion Clinic regulations. He began by appointing a transgender, Dr. Mark Levine, who now is Dr. Marissa Levine, as the State Health Commissioner and several new board members.

As agency staff was giving reports on the abortion facilities, it would appear that all is well within the abortion industry as the 400 infractions were not even mentioned, and the “complaints” that were lodged, the majority of them were reported as unsubstantiated. Discussion ensued regarding the usage of “unsubstantiated”, and it appeared to me that it was used deceptively. Board member Bradley Beall mentioned that his two previous requests for the inspection reports have not been fulfilled. An alarming figure that was reported was when the public comment period was open via the Board of Health web site, 10,000 recorded to repeal the regulations and only 2,000 urged to maintain the regulations. That alone shows the opposition has greater success in activating their grassroots than we do. We must do better!

Our pro-life allies were ready to educate the board members as public comments were allowed for one hour. Delegate Bob Marshall started the public comment period and was followed by Bishop E.W. Jackson who reminded the board that we had started that meeting with the pledge to the flag in which we all stated we were “One Nation under God”. He also ended his remarks reminding them that in the end, we would all answer to God. Compelling testimonies were given in rapid fire succession: reading of some of inspection findings, the play on words that were spoken, personal stories of botched abortions, regulations being necessary from the perspective of a OBGYN nurse, the current regulations will withstand constitutional scrutiny, the importance of parental consent. A passionate young black man spoke of the beginning of Planned Parenthood and encouraged members to view Maafa 21, and another spoke about how abortion facilities indeed have the finances to improve and upgrade their facilities but choose instead to fund candidates who will further their agenda.

We had several CWA members present and two spoke, Cheri Britt, a Prayer/Action Prayer leader in the Tidewater area who is also a sidewalk counselor, told the story of a botched abortion, and our State Director Janet Robey gave her perspective of being in the dental field for over twenty years and understanding the importance of inspections, accountability, protocols and the evidence of inspections reports that indicate abortion clinics cannot self-regulate.

To our dismay the Board of Health voted to proceed with a review of Virginia’s abortion center regulations, less than two years after they were implemented and in which the data is just now being compiled. That compilation is not encouraging as 400 infractions have been found in the 18 abortion facilities.

Take Action: Please thank the two members who voted against proceeding with the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA): Megan C. Getter and John W. Seeds, MD.

Listed here is the roster of Virginia State Board of Health Membership. Please write to them and respectfully express your disappointment over their vote to proceed with the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) on December 4. Click here for background information to assist you.

The approval of today’s NOIRA will begin the review process and can take up to two years to complete. There will be opportunities for public comment; we will keep you informed.

Pray for each member of the board by name. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the horrors of abortion and may they act honorably based on that information.

Media coverage:
abc – Board Votes to Review Va. Abortion Clinic Rules 
NBC – VA Health Board Votes to Start Amending Regulations for VA Abortion Clinics 

As John Quincy Adams said, “Duty is our, results are God’s.” We were faithful to our duty; we will trust God for the outcome.