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Victory for Children, Families, CWA, the Pro-Life Community and Our Nation

By November 10, 2017Legal, News and Events
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The Adoption Tax Credit is saved! We told you recently about some rumblings at the Capitol where some congressmen were considering dropping this important adoption incentive.  As Penny Nance, our CEO & President, told Axios, we immediately went to “work to clean up the mistake” and that is precisely what we did.

Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) legislative team reached out to members and commenced working behind the scenes. We are thankful to the thousands of you who also followed through with phone calls and emails and social media outreach so that members understood how important this issue was to conservative women.

We are happy to report now that Congress acted quickly and decisively to respond to our request. We are thankful to many of our pro-life friends who took leadership on the issue and made it happen.  Please call your senators and representatives and thank them for keeping the adoption tax credit.

Of course, we are most thankful for the children and those involved with the beautiful process of adoption.  This tax credit actually saves lives. JT Olson, Executive Director of Both Hands, a wonderful adoption ministry that helps families overcome the financial burdens of adoption, told me about the practical implications of the tax credit:

The Adoption Tax credit is the great equalizer in the adoption world. Adoption is so expensive, and the “tax credit” is the only way a middle-to-lower class family can swing it. Most families can easily graft one more child into their routine, but the initial cost of adopting makes it almost impossible. Having a baby is just as expensive as adopting. The only difference is insurance pays for most of the costs of having a baby.

JT’s own miraculous life, captured in his book, “The Orphan, the Widow & Me,” gives him an inside understanding of the process that is second to none.  After being orphaned as a child, alongside his four siblings, God has used him to touch many through his life and ministry.

He exemplifies why CWA and the pro-life community rallied together as soon as we became aware of this issue. Adoption represents the best of America—the best of humanity.

As Christians, we understand the power of adoption through the Father’s eternal love for us and it is precisely that loving message that we want to share with the world.

In every way imaginable, this is great news. Here is the way Penny put it:

We are thankful to see that, as of today, the Adoption Tax Credit is back! Thank you to Chairman Brady and House Leadership for listening to the voice of the people and reinstating the adoption tax credit in the amended Tax Cuts and Job Act.

Overhauling our tax system is a huge undertaking but it’s important that we work to get it right for American families and this is a huge step in the right direction.

The Adoption Tax Credit is crucial for adoptive families who make significant financial sacrifices for their children. The substantial upfront cost of adopting a child should never be the reason why a family has to forgo adoption. Restoring the Adoption Tax Credit is integral to ensuring that tax reform is pro-family.