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Urgent: Your Action Needed on Gambling Bill to Be Voted on Tomorrow, February 21

By February 20, 2018South Dakota
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“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil:  Who put darkness for light and light for darkness;Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

Gambling is not good for South Dakota!

 SJR9 is a Joint Resolution submitting to the voters in the next general election permission to give the city of Yankton authority to erect a casino for games of chance (roulette, keno, craps, limited card games, and slot machines).  SJR9 will be heard in the Senate Local Government Committee tomorrow, February 21.

ACTION: Contact the members of the committee and your state senator and ask them to vote NO on SJR9.  Stress that we do not need any further expansion of gambling in our state. Let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota.

  • Click here to contact the members of the Senate Local Government Committee.
  • If you know who you senator is, use this example to email him/her:, or phone the Senate lobby and leave a message at (605) 773-3821. Click here to find out who your senator is and how to contact him/her individually.

PRAYER: Please pray that the efforts of those pushing gambling in our state would be thwarted.


Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota