URGENT: Support Sen. Chuck Grassley on March 28 & 29!
Ocheyedan – Rock Rapids – Orange City

By March 4, 2016Iowa

“This is the greatest battle we may fight in our lifetime!” – Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance

Now is the time to show up and support and thank Sen. Grassley!

As the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley has committed to standing against any judicial nominee until the next president is in office.

Let the people decide. At this crucial moment in our history, “We the people” should have a voice in what type of justice is appointed to the Supreme Court next. It is the place of the Senate to advise and consent.

“No one disputes the president’s authority to nominate a successor to Scalia, but as inconvenient as it may be for this president, Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution grants the Senate the power to provide, or as the case may be, withhold its consent …”- Sen. Chuck Grassley

Monday, March 28 – 2:15-3:15 Central Time
Ocheyedan Senior Center

Monday, March 28 – 4:15-5:15 Central Time
Rock Rapids Public Library

Tuesday, March 29   8:45-9:45 Central time
North Western College (Orange City)  (Vogel Community Room)

Now is the time to support and thank Sen. Grassley!