URGENT: January 23 Action Alert – “Pray without ceasing”

By January 23, 2018Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

This prayer and action alert is to inform you of two bills that need your immediate attention and opposition.  Please pray and take action quickly.

SB 6037: This “Contract Surrogacy” bill would allow for-profit contract surrogacy, allowing women to conceive and sell babies for payment, above and beyond medical expenses. The bill treats children as a commodity and will allow would-be parents to prey upon desperate women.

The State Senate Law & Justice Committee is scheduled to vote on this bill on Thursday, January 25.

CWA of Washington strongly opposes this bill, because women and children are not commodities to be rented or sold.  Every human being has inherent dignity, but paid human surrogacy dehumanizes both the mother and the child by placing a price on the surrogate mother’s body and the child’s life. This has no consideration or respect for the woman as an individual, nor God’s plan for a woman’s unique and precious role as wife, child bearer, and mother.

Take Action TODAY:  

  1. Call and/or email members of the Senate Law & Justice Committee today to express your opinion on SB 6037.  Click here for their names and contact information. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington.
  2. Call and/or email your senator today to express your opinion on SB 6037.  Click here to find out who he/she is and how to contact him/her. Be sure to let him/her know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington.

SB 6219: The “Free Abortions for All” bill would 1) require that every insurance policy covering maternity care also cover abortions, and 2) require that the state fund abortions for those who don’t have insurance. Shockingly, the measure provides no conscience clause to protect any of us from forced participation. In the past, there has been a weak provision for religious or conscientious objection, but there is no such language in this bill.  For example, churches and other faith-based organizations employ and provide insurance for thousands of citizens, and this bill would demand that abortion is included in all of their policies.

SB 6219 is currently in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee.  It has not been scheduled for a committee vote yet.

CWA of Washington strongly opposes SB 6219, because it is an affront to the sanctity of human life, religious liberty, and the free exercise thereof, and the conscience rights of all citizens.

Take Action:

  1. Call and/or email members of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee today to express your opinion on SB 6219.  Click here for their names and contact information. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington.
  2. Call and/or email your senator today to express your opinion on SB 6219.  Click here to find out who he/she is and how to contact him/her. Be sure to let him/her know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington.

Every pro-life voice needs to be heard in opposition to these bills!  Please pass this information on to friends, family, and your pastor. Encourage them to both pray and take action.

 1 Thess. 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing.” Please pray for both of these bills to fail. Pray for the hearts and minds of those currently supporting these two bills to be changed.

Thank you for making a difference with your prayers and action!

With you for the dignity of women and the sanctity of all human life,

Maureen Richardson

State Director

CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072