Urgent! Gov. Rauner Poised to Sign Illinois Tax-Payer Funded Abortion Bill

By September 27, 2017Illinois

Remind Gov. Bruce Rauner of His Pledge to Veto Tax-Payer Funded Abortions.

 Last April, a spokesman from the governor’s office said, “Gov. Rauner is committed to protecting women’s reproductive rights under current Illinois law. However, recognizing the sharp divisions of opinion of taxpayer funding of abortion, he does not support H.B. 40.”

H.B. 40  – Illinois Tax-Payer Funded Abortion Bill has been held in the Illinois Senate on a procedural move to avoid a veto pledge by Gov. Bruce Rauner last spring.  Monday, Sen. Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) lifted that procedural hold he had placed on the measure, and the move Monday sent the bill to Rauner’s desk.  The governor has 60 days to sign the bill into law.

Sadly, Gov. Rauner is now weighing his options on H.B. 40 and is meeting with advocates and legislators who both support and oppose the bill. Yesterday he said, “I am personally pro-choice, but I respect the moral arguments and the debate on the other side, and I am listening, and we will make a decision in the near future.”

Gov. Bruce Rauner is running for re-election in 2018 and does not have a major GOP primary opponent.  However, signing the H.B. 40 into law could draw one.

H.B. 40 would:

  • Provide free Medicaid abortions with no restrictions. Abortions would be covered for any reason through the nine months of pregnancy, even if an unborn baby feels pain and can survive outside the womb.
  • Remove the ban on state employees’ insurance policies paying for abortions.
  • Provide no monetary cap to the number of abortions that could be covered by Medicaid.
  • Remove language concerning the General Assembly’s declaration that the unborn child is a human being from the time of conception and is, therefore, a legal person for purposes of the unborn child’s right to life.

 Please contact the Governor today!

Take action:

  • Contact Gov. Rauner! REMIND HIM OF HIS PLEDGE TO VETO H.B. 40 which allows tax dollars to be used for abortions. Be sure to let him know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Illinois.
  • Forward this alert to everyone you know – especially your pastor and members of your congregation.

 Pray that:

  • Rauner will no longer be blind to the fact that an unborn child is human life; pray he will be convicted that abortion is murder and that he will be held accountable for signing H.B. 40 into law if he chooses to do so.
  • Pastors and Christians will rally for the life of the unborn.
  • B. 40 will not become law.

 “LORD, rescue the unborn from abortion. Forgive us for our complacency.  We say, ‘We knew nothing about this,’ but You who weighs the heart knows everything.” (Proverbs 24:11-12)

Debbie Leininger
CWA of Illinois

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