Urgent! Georgia Senate Advances Religious Freedom Bill – We Are Almost There!

By February 22, 2016Georgia

The Georgia Senate passed an improved version of HB 757, the Pastor Protection Act, on Friday, February 19, 2016. The Senate amended the bill to include the First Amendment Defense Act, which provides broad-based religious protections for all Georgians.  HB 757, as passed out of the Senate, would strengthen religious liberty protections in state law and prohibit government retaliation against pastors, individuals and institutions with sincerely held religious beliefs concerning marriage and who speak or act in accordance with those beliefs.  The bill would prevent the state government or local governments from penalizing an individual, organization, or business (for example, by imposing a fine, or denying a tax exemption, grant, contract, license, or certification) just because of their religious beliefs on marriage.

It is time for the House to finish the job!  The final passage of HB 757 now lies in the State House of Representatives. We are urging Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) and bill sponsor Rep. Kevin Tanner (R-Dawsonville) to “AGREE” with HB 757, as amended by the Senate, and to allow House members to vote to agree on HB 757.

There are only fifteen days left in the legislative session, so phone calls are needed immediately.

Action item: Critical phone calls needed immediately to all four offices:

  1. Contact Gov. Deal at 404-656-1776 and urge him to support HB 757 as amended by the Senate.  The Governor must hear from you!
  2. Contact Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) at 404-656-5020 and urge him as the Speaker of the House to “AGREE” with HB 757 as amended by the Senate.
  3. Contact Rep. Kevin Tanner (R-Dawsonville) at 404-656-0152 and urge him as bill sponsor to “AGREE” with HB 757 as amended by the Senate.
  4. Contact your State House member and urge him or her to ask Speaker Ralston and Rep. Kevin Tanner to “AGREE” with HB 757 as amended by the Senate so that the full House can vote to agree on HB 757. Click here to find your legislator.

Praise!  Thank God for a nation like no other, where individuals can worship God freely.

Pray! Ask God to allow us to continue to thwart all legislative and cultural attempts to crush our freedom of religion. Pray for Speaker Ralston and Rep. Tanner, that they will stand firm against the opponents of religious freedom (including some in the business community) who are aggressively pressuring our elected officials to defeat the bill.

Act! Make your four phone calls today!