Urgent! ERA is Scheduled for a Committee Hearing – Monday, May 7

By May 4, 2018Illinois

As you know from my last e-alert, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), SJRCA0004, passed the Illinois Senate and is now in the House. Specifically, it is in the House Rules Committee, set to be heard MONDAY.  Though a vote is not expected on that day, it could be taken at any time.

Therefore, a vote is expected in both the committee and House as early as some time this next week. Both the members of the committee and your representative need to hear from you.

 If passed, the ERA would:

  • Add these words to the U.S. Constitution: “Equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.”
  • Wipe out all ability to use any laws using gender as a defining characteristic therefore overturn workplace and family laws that protect women; privacy laws that define who may use gender oriented bathrooms and locker rooms; and religious freedom laws.
  • Integrate same-sex and bi-sexual attraction into the U.S. Constitution.
  • Be used to write abortion rights into our U.S. Constitution with the rationale that restricting access to abortion is a form of gender discrimination (since it singles women out for a physical aspect unique to them).
  • Affect additional areas of life including social security, Medicare, health, insurance benefits, Medicare benefits, and more.

Click here to read SJRCA0004 and track it through the Illinois Legislature.

Since it passed in the Senate, April 11, the number of House co-sponsors has gone from one to 29.

We conservatives need to fight twice as hard to see that it is defeated in the Illinois House. The committee members and your representative needs to hear from you!

 Please take action:

  1. Contact the five members of the House Rules Committee TODAY and ask them to vote NO on SJRCA0004, the resolution to adopt the ERA. Let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Illinois. Click here for their contact information.
  2. Fill in a Witness Slip today or early next week. It’s easy!

Log onto: click here

Click on:  Create Witness Slip

Fill out the form:

Firm/Business or Agency:  CWA of Illinois or, Concerned Citizen
Title:  Concerned Illinois citizen
Subject: (click on box; choose SJRCA-R
Record of Appearance
I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Click slip.

  1. Contact your representative today or early next week and ask him/her to vote NO on SJRCA0004, the resolution to adopt the ERA. Let their office know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Illinois. Click here to find out who he/she is and how to contact.
  2. Forward this e-alert to every like-minded individual you know. Ask them to both pray and take action immediately.
  3. If you live in the Chicago area, consider attending the hearing on Monday at 10 am at C-600, 6th Floor Michael A. Bilandic Bldg., 160 North LaSalle Street, Chicago.

ERA proponents, buoyed by pro-abortion, pro-LGBQT victories last session, are eager to pass the resolution while Gov. Rauner is in office.  Rauner, who originally campaigned on the promise he would remain neutral on social issues, has a 100% record of signing horrific social issues bills into law – including tax-payer abortion and transgender birth certificate bills. 

Please pray. Thank the Lord for the many times He has held back the ERA in Illinois.  Ask Him to once again intervene on our behalf and end this abominable law once and for all.

ERA History:

  • In order to be added to the U.S. Constitution, the ERA needed approval by legislatures in three-fourths (38) of the 50 states by 1979.
  • To date 36 states have ratified the ERA, one of which was after the 1979 deadline.
  • If two more states ratify it, the U.S. Constitution can be amended if a suspension were given.
  • From 1972 – 2017 the Illinois General Assembly has voted NO on ERA 13 times.

Do not grow weary.  I know we have fought this year after year, but because we fought it, we have stopped it year after year. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:0).

Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois
(815) 297-2918

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