Urgent: Calls Needed to Stop More Abortion Funding in Maine

By March 27, 2022Maine

L.D. 811, sponsored by Sen. Catherine Breen (D-Cumberland), was amended last week and was retitled “An Act To Compensate Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Providers Fairly for Comprehensive Primary Care Delivery.” The bottom line for this bill: it funds more abortions.

We expect L.D. 811 to be voted on in the House and Senate quickly. Your immediate effort to kill this bill is needed.

Take Action

Call the following and ask them to oppose L.D. 811.

  • Your state legislators: House and Senate (listed alphabetically by town.) If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine, be sure to let them know.
  • Maine House Democrat Office: 207-287-1430; Maine House Republican Office: 287-287-1440; Maine Senate Republican Office: 207-287-1505; Maine Senate Democrat Office: 207-287-1515.

Be sure to forward this information to friends and family.

Please Pray: Heavenly Father, You create life, and only You have the right to take life. We ask that You show Your power and turn the hearts of the legislators to agree with You and support life from conception to natural death. We ask this in Jesus’ name and for His sake. Amen.

Penny Morrell
State Director