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Urgent: Calls Needed on Mental Health Bills

By May 20, 2019Texas
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Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 11 are up for a floor vote in the Texas House tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21. Tuesday is the deadline for bills to be debated on the House Floor so calls on the two bills are needed immediately!

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas opposes both bills for the following reasons:

Senate Bill 10:

  • Establishes mental health “telemedicine” screening programs for “at risk” children.
  • Does not inform parents who consent to mental health screening for their children that these screenings have high rates of false positives. Unreliable mental health screenings for depression in children can lead to overdiagnosis or wrong diagnosis and medication.
  • As a result of SB10’s attempt to assess all school children, it is not unlikely that more psychotropic drugs will be administered/prescribed to kids. These drugs have led many perpetrators to increased violence including – Devin Patrick Kelley (Sutherland Springs), Stephen Paddock (Las Vegas), Kendrex White (University of Texas stabber), James Holmes (Aurora Colorado), Erick Harris (Columbine), and many others.
  • Medical school psychiatry departments have been enlisted (at the cost of millions) to access your children and use their experimental therapies to reduce “school violence.”

Senate Bill 11:

  • Creates Threat Assessment Teams to question/assess your school-aged children. Although children will be questioned by Threat Assessment Teams, SB11 has no Miranda warning.
  • Investigates children they think may be potentially violent and gives them psychological evaluations. Will parents be warned that their child could be labeled and institutionalized as a result of such evaluations?
  • Adds this language to the education code: “Appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction and healthy relationships education”. This language is being defined contemporaneously. Do we really want today’s culture defining sexuality and healthy relationships for our children?

Act quickly. Time is ticking!

  1. Call your State Representative and respectfully and prayerfully tell him or her to vote on Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 11. Find your Representative here. Be sure to tell them you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.
  2. Share this alert with likeminded friends and family.

Please Pray!

  • Pray for the protection of Texas school children from the overreaching arm of the state.
  • Pray that our elected public servants will pause, think, and stop expanding government to the harm of our children. Pray that they will recognize the stewardship they hold, and the accountability required of them by God for the decisions they make that affect innocent children.
  • Pray that families will remain intact and parents will be intimately engaged with the hearts of their children.

With such gratefulness for you,

Ann Hettinger
State Director
CWA of Texas