Urgent Action Required: Call Your Assembly Member Now to Protect Pregnancy Care Centers.

By May 6, 2015California

Let’s stop this attack on those who are trying to save lives!

We told you about AB 775 last month; the terrible bill that will harm crisis pregnancy centers has continued to advance. It passed the Assembly Health Committee on April 14 and passed Assembly Judiciary on April 28. Now the bill has been amended so it can bypass its fiscal committee and move straight to the Assembly floor!

Action: Please contact your assembly member and ask him or her to oppose AB 775. Find your assembly member here. Click on the legislator’s name to visit his or her website. The “Contact Us” link will take you to office phone and fax numbers and webmail.

Pray that our members of the Assembly will understand that these centers are helping women in difficult situations at NO cost to taxpayers, and we should help, not harm, their efforts.

AB 775 is an attack on the free speech rights of crisis pregnancy centers (CPC’s). The bill is authored by Assembly Members David Chiu (D-San Francisco) and Autumn Burke (D-Inglewood) and requires licensed pro-life pregnancy resource and care centers with a medical provider on staff to provide notices about free or low-cost access to abortion, essentially advertising for abortion. Centers that are not licensed and do not have a medical provider must post signs “warning” that they are not medical facilities as people walk through the door. In addition, they must include that notice in all their advertising material and the font used, according to an amendment May 4, must be bold, a different color or larger in order to make the notice “clear and conspicuous.”

Noncompliance means that these underfunded charities must pay hefty financial penalties ($500 to $1,000 per violation) if they refuse to follow these absurd and unnecessary regulations.

CPC’s, who already struggle to stay afloat, quite literally rescue women and babies from the claws of death and despair. These centers are typically volunteer-run, donation-based, life-embracing charities that will now have to promote state-assisted abortion or pay bundles out of their shallow budgets if they don’t comply. Please help us make sure that doesn’t happen.