Urgent Action Alert: Call and E-mail to Protect Missouri Children

By May 10, 2023Missouri

We are heading toward the finish line, and we need a vote AND a win! The end of the Missouri legislative session is this Friday, May 12. SB49, the “Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act” that will ban experimental transgender treatments and surgeries on minors and protect taxpayers from paying for them is languishing in the House.

Read about SB 49 here.

We need SB 49 to pass for the safety of our children because:

  • No long-term scientific research exists to support the safety or efficacy of sex reassignment treatments on children.
  • Parents are being misinformed by an activist medical community.
  • Children and youth are not capable of informed consent.


Contact Speaker of the House, Rep. Dean Plocher (R-District 89) at 573-751-1544 or Dean.Plocher@house.mo.gov. Urge him to place SB49 on the House calendar for a vote. If you have contacted the Speaker previously, please contact him again.

E-mail, call, or tweet your State Representative through our Action Center HERE and urge them to vote YES on SB49, the “Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.”


Please pray for the passage of SB 49 and that the eyes of the members of the Missouri General Assembly be opened to see the need to protect the innocence of minor children in Missouri.

Thank you for acting and praying to protect Missouri children.

Tracy Dougan
State Director