Update on Simon’s Law – Parental Rights – Your Prays and Action Needed

By March 23, 2017Kansas

Simon’s Law, SB 85 is now Substitute SB 85.  There was an approved amendment added. We are tracking several bills, but this one is needed desperately. We need your assistance now on this bill by praying and taking action.

Prayer is key!

Substitute SB 85, known as “Simon’s Law,” would enact new statutes regarding life-sustaining treatment for patients younger than eighteen years of age.  Parental consent under this bill is required before a do-not-resuscitate order is issued by medical professionals. This bill is needed. There have been incidents in the past where doctors have put a do-not-resuscitate order on the records of a child without the parents’ consent.

Status: Substitute SB 85 is in the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs and has not yet been voted on.  On February 16, I testified in support of the bill.  Click here to read the testimony.

Please Pray:  Pray the members of the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs will stand up for the rights of parents to protect their children.

A vote is expected any day on Substitute SB 85.  If the committee passes it, it will then go to the House floor, more than likely by next week.  When it passes the House, Gov. Brownback will have the opportunity to sign it into law.

 Take Action: Based on the comments and questions asked throughout the February 16 hearing, the committee appears to be in favor of passing the bill.  Therefore, please contact the Chairperson of the House Federal and State Committee, Rep. John Barker (R-District 70) here.  He has the power to bring it up for a vote.  Urge him to bring the Substitute Simon’s Law up for a vote in committee.  Then, please call Speaker of the House, Ron Rykman (R-District 78) here.  Ask him to allow Substitute SB 85 to be debated on the House Floor once it arrives after passing out of committee.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Kansas.

Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting Concerned Women for America of Kansas.

In His service,

Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas
P.O. Box 8331
Topeka, KS  66608
(765) 260-5659