Update and Action Needed on Kansas Pro-life Bill

By February 18, 2015Kansas

SB 95, Kansas Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act has passed favorably out of committee. It is now awaiting debate in the Senate. The Senate is expected to vote on it sometime next week. Click here to read the bill, view its history and status.

A special thank you to all who prayed and acted on SB 95 when it was in committee. Please take a moment once again to pray and speak out for the voiceless.

Praise: Praise the Lord for HB 95’s favorable passage out of committee.

Prayer: Pray that the senators will see that this bill will save almost 600 Kansas babies from a painful death and that they will pass the bill easily with a yes vote. Please pray for the senators by name.

Action: Take action this week if at all possible.

  1. Contact your state Senator and ask him/her to vote for SB 95. If you don’t know who your senator is, click here, click on “Find Your Legislator” and then “Search by your address”.
  2. Forward this e-mail on to like-minded friends and family and encourage them to pray and act today.

SB 95 is an important pro-life bill that is said to be a historic vote for both the state and nation since no other state has passed this legislation. Don’t miss out on being a part of it!