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To the 4 Out of 10 Women Who Have Aborted, of Which I am One

By July 28, 2015California
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Posted on my personal Facebook page this morning:

To the 4 out of 10 women who have aborted,

I have a confession… Usually when vids about abortion are released, I never watch them. It’s just too much.

I am so sorry for whatever grief and hurt and spiritual attack you are experiencing right now with the release of these Planned Parenthood videos and the resulting conversation it has created.

It is so good that this is exposed, but if any of you are like me, it is not easy. I literally feel like I have been attacked in every way since the release of these vids: my marriage, my kids, CWA and my responsibilities, my attitude, etc. I am still crying as I write now.

Have you been feeling that way? You are not alone.
Be strong, sweet and precious ladies (and men who share this grief). None of this is in vain. Find comfort in the One who knows you inside and out. And forgive anyone who has hurt you. And forgive yourself. God offers His forgiveness to you and life so abundant. Not easy, but abundant and satisfying.

I love you very much. Please forgive any insensitivity I have displayed in the last week or so in promoting these videos. I have aborted and cried and been angry and been unforgiving and bitter, but God has been so redemptive. Let’s walk in that newness of life. And heal so that we can lend our voice and influence to ending the evil that is abortion.