Time to Pray and Act on Behalf of Judge Kavanaugh

By September 24, 2018Hawaii

Dear friend,

Balance between both prayer and action is vital for all believers.  James speaks of this when commending heroes of the faith, “You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone,” (James 2:24). Let us keep this in mind as we consider the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Time to Pray and Act on Behalf of Judge Kavanaugh
The circus continues with regards to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U. S. Supreme Court.  As you know, his opponents continue to promote confusion and hysteria about Judge Kavanaugh’s character day after day.

CWA CEO and President Penny Nance wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s recent accusation against Kavanaugh in USA Today: Kavanaugh, too? Christine Blasey Ford’s Account is Missing Key Details of Assault.

Our own U.S. Senator and Judicial Committee member Mazie Hirono (D) has been outrageous in this process, demanding, “men of this country and the men in this committee” need to “just shut up and step up.” This is unacceptable! CWA’s Doreen Denny, Director of Government Relations, had a great comeback to Hirono’s comments, Sen. Hirono Should Step Up for Justice.  (Note that since the writing of this article a date of this Thursday has been set for the accuser to testify.)

Please continue to contact Sens. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) about this nomination, despite their public statements of opposition to Kavanaugh.  Just as with nominations to lower courts, the opposition is attempting to obstruct this nomination by using delay tactics.  If our senators don’t hear from us and only hear from the other side of the debate, they’ll be able to say that we don’t appear to care or have given up on this nomination. Please do not give them reason to oppose President Trump’s second nominee to our highest court in the land.

If you don’t do it, who will?

Take Action:

  • Call and email both of our Hawaii Senators Brian Schatz (D) and Mazie Hirono (D), and politely ask them to confirm the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Hawaii.

Sen Schatz: email and call 202-224-3934 (D.C.) or 808-523-2061 (Hawaii)

Sen. Hirono: email and call 202-224-6361 (D.C.) or 808-522-8970 (Hawaii) As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, please ask Sen. Hirono to both vote for the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh as committee member as well as when it goes to the Senator floor for a vote.

  • Please send this e-alert to friends and family and also encourage them to both pray and act.

Please Pray: “Dear Father, thank You for Your mercy on our nation. We pray right now that You will lead the senators to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court to continue that mercy. Help us thirst for justice and remember its true meaning. Forgive us for perverting it and seeking our own prideful ways, instead of what is truly good and true. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Barbara J. Ferraro, State Director
CWA of Hawaii

Partner with CWA of Hawaii through your financial support. We are continually grateful for those who give to the work of CWA of Hawaii. When you give to the state, all funds are used for state projects. To contribute your tax-deductible gift to CWA of Hawaii, please send a check written out to “Concerned Women for America” with “CWA of HI” on the memo line, and send to CWA of Hawaii, 15-682 Puni Mauka Loop S., Pahoa, HI  96778.  Or, contribute online.

Your involvement, financial gifts, and prayers could not be more appreciated. Thank you!