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The S.O.S. Went Out and CWA of Virginia Responded

By February 16, 2013Virginia
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Concerned Women for America of Virginia was alerted that a pro-homosexual bill had passed the Senate of Virginia and was headed to the House of Delegates. Director Janet Robey and longtime friend of CWA, Linda Wall, arrived at the State Capitol in Richmond early Monday morning to lobby the sub-committee of General Laws where the bill would be considered.

Should the bill pass the House, it would be the first time that a sexual orientation bill had passed both bodies of the Virginia General Assembly. The easiest time to kill an unwanted bill is when it is in subcommittee. There was some concern that this bill might survive the committee since five of the six conservatives had voted earlier in the Session to seat an openly gay activist judge.

Some of the six delegates were relatively new in Richmond and were unfamiliar with Concerned Women for America. Janet presented each Delegate with a CWA Field Brochure that explains the mission and six core issues of Concerned Women for America and gave a brief history lesson on how CWA was born. Linda introduced herself as one who had been a lesbian and was no longer. She presented each legislator with a copy of CWA’s brochure At the End of the Rainbow: Exposing the Lies and explained that it was a summary of two years of research she had conducted after leaving homosexuality.

By nightfall the following day, the bill had been killed in the subcommittee hearing. For another year conservative legislators have fortified Virginia against the homosexual agenda, and CWA of Virginia played a part.