The Pathetic Worldview of Today’s Liberal Colleges and Universities | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/> The Pathetic Worldview of Today’s Liberal Colleges and Universities | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/>

Any person 10 years or more removed from college can look back and see how ignorant they were at the time. So on the one hand, we should all expect a good amount of nonsense coming from college campuses. There is just no shortcut to life experience.

On the other hand, what we are seeing in college and university campuses all over the country today looks and feels worse than in years past, doesn’t it? The level of boldly ignorant, liberal cowardice is simply remarkable.

The sort of antics we are seeing would be laughable if they weren’t so destructive personally for a considerable amount of people (usually conservatives) but also for society as a whole. College campuses should be leading the way in the good-faith effort to engage in the exchange of ideas. When they fail as miserably as they are today, the impact on the rest of culture is very real, and we become less free.

Read the rest of this column as featured on TheBlaze.

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Mario’s book, “Be Spent: Winning the Fight for Freedom’s Survival”