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The Lisa Miller Story

By January 18, 2010Virginia
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The Lynchburg Ledger

January 15, 2010

By Bill Wheaton

Press Media Group, LLC

Lisa Miller, a former lesbian who has been ordered by a Vermont judge to relinquish custody of her daughter Isabella to her former lesbian lover Janet Jenkins, has dropped out of sight, along with Isabella. The liberal news media has done a miserable job of covering this story so I thought I would try to set the record straight.

Both Lisa Miller and Janet Jenkins are native Virginians and did not recently move to Virginia as the media consistently reports.

Lisa Miller grew up in a dysfunctional Virginia home. She was both sexually and physically abused as a child. When she was seven, her parents divorced, and she started abusing drugs. When she later met the man who would become her husband, she started combining drugs with alcohol. Her alcohol and drug addiction became so severe that she was admitted to a hospital where she attempted to take her own life. She was then transferred to a psychiatric ward in a Prince William County, Virginia, hospital for evaluation and therapy.

This was a new psychiatric facility and a new program. Since she had a failed marriage, she was diagnosed as a lesbian who was having trouble admitting it. She was placed into group therapy with two lesbians who were also patents.

After being discharged, she sought counsel from the Whitman Walker Clinic, a homosexual-specific health facility, where her lesbian diagnosis was reaffirmed although she had no same-sex attraction. After her mother died, Lisa started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and it was there where she met Janet Jenkins in December of 1997.

In May of 1998, Lisa moved in with Janet. But, as is so often the case in homosexual relationships, the relationship became violent. Janet was physically and verbally abusive, and Lisa moved out in 1999, but moved back in later that same year. They lived in Hamilton, Virginia, south of Petersburg, where they operated a daycare business.

In 2000, Janet and Lisa went to Vermont on vacation and since there is no residency requirement for a “civil union,” they entered into one.

In 2001, Lisa decided she wanted a child and went to a fertility clinic in Annandale, Virginia. In August of 2001, Lisa became pregnant by artificial insemination. Lisa had a difficult pregnancy, and Janet became physically and emotional abusive during this time.

Lisa’s daughter Isabella was born in Virginia in 2002 and when she was four months old, Lisa and Janet moved to Vermont. In 2003, Lisa returned to Virginia, leaving Vermont, Janet and the homosexual lifestyle.

Lisa and Janet agreed to dissolve the Vermont civil union and Lisa submitted the paperwork. Janet visited Isabella twice in 2003, in September and November.

It was about this time Lisa began attending church. She came to the realization that she was not truly saved, but was going through the motions. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and began her new life as a born-again believer.

After hearing that Lisa had become a born-again Christian, Janet had a change of mind regarding the dissolution of the civil union. She asked Lisa to stop the dissolution process and when Lisa refused, she threatened legal action, which began almost immediately.

As part of the legal action, Janet was awarded visitation with Isabella, but Lisa resisted. When Isabella was 5, the Vermont court ordered visitation, and Isabella spent a week in Vermont with Janet. When she returned, Isabella had noticeably changed. Isabella said she had taken a bath with Janet, both nude, and that upset her. She also openly masturbated after her return, something she had never done before.

Lisa quickly concluded that Isabella had been sexually abused by Janet and decided to defy court orders for further visitation.

The recently approved Virginia Marriage Amendment included language that civil unions would not be recognized. However, Virginia courts upheld the Vermont court rulings in this case. Sen. Steve Newman pushed to have the civil union clause included to avoid just such an issue.

Vermont courts are notoriously lax when it comes to sexual abuse. Fox New Channel’s Bill O’Reilly has presented numerous reports of Vermont judges give a slap on the wrist to sexual offenders. Vermont also refused to pass Jessica’s Law which imposes a harsh penalty on sex offenders.

Having exhausted all legal means to protect Isabella, Lisa Miller and Isabella have dropped out of sight.

This case reminds me of a similar one in the late 1980’s. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan, a plastic surgeon, was married to Dr. Eric Foretich, a dentist. They had a daughter named Hilary. They separated with Morgan gaining custody, and Foretich receiving unsupervised visitation.

Morgan came to believe that Hilary was sexually abused by Foretich during visitation. Foretich’s previous wife had accused him of sexually abusing their daughter.

To protect her daughter, Morgan sent Hilary away and repeatedly refused to disclose her whereabouts to the court. She was held in contempt of court and put in jail where she remained for 25 months until Congress passed the Elizabeth Morgan Act, which set her free.

Hilary had been sent to New Zealand with her maternal grandparents to protect her from Foretich and Morgan was willing to pay the price to protect her daughter. I suspect Lisa Miller may be taking similar steps and is also willing to pay any price to protect her daughter.

I met Lisa and Isabella last summer and introduced them to Ken Cuccinelli, our next Attorney General. He, Governor-elect McDonnell, and a number of members of the Virginia General Assembly are fully aware of the case. Let us pray that they can find a resolution so Isabella can be protected and Lisa can come home.

Click here to read Lisa Miller’s complete story, in her own words.

Bill Wheaton lives in Concord , VA. His email address is