The Horribly Gruesome Killing Fields Of Planned Parenthood – CWA of Georgia Responds

By July 29, 2015Georgia

In 1984, the movie The Killing Fields was released in theaters across America. The movie depicted the murderous atrocities of the Khmer Rouge regime of Cambodia where it is estimated that the regime killed and then buried over one million of its citizens in the early 1970’s. During that same time period, 1973 to be exact, the United States legalized abortion, and it is now estimated that approximately 57,762,169 unborn American children have been killed at the hands of abortionists with the largest abortion provider, federally funded Planned Parenthood, leading the way.

A third undercover video was just released which graphically shows a Planned Parenthood doctor and technician picking through parts of aborted babies for the purposes of selling the harvested baby parts for profit. The killing fields of Cambodia pale in comparison to the horrific crimes happening daily at the nation’s largest abortion provider. Click here to view the video. Warning: parts of the video are very graphic.

Planned Parenthood betrays women and should not be receiving federal funds.  They must be investigated on both a national and state level immediately.

View what Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America CEO and President, had to say at a press conference in Washington, D.C., this week.

Silence is not an option!  We must stop those who are selling baby body parts. Take action today!

#1 – Sign CWA’s Defund Planned Parenthood petition.

#2 – Contact Sen. Isakson and Sen. Perdue and thank them for co-signing S.1881, a bill that will defund Planned Parenthood. Thank them for signing onto a letter calling for a federal investigation of the actions of Planned Parenthood.  Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia) (202) 224-3643/E-mail/Twitter, Sen. David Perdue (R-Georgia) 202-224-3521/E-mail/Twitter

#3 – Contact your member of Congress and ask him for a congressional investigation into the practices of Planned Parenthood and an immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood. Click here to find your member of Congress.

  • Rep. Buddy Carter (R-District 1) 202-225-5831/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-District 2) 202-225-3631/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-District 3) 202-225-5901/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Hank Johnson (D-District 4) 202-225-1605/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. John Lewis (D-District 5) 202-225-3801/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Tom Price (R-District 6) 202-225-4501/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Rob Woodall (R-District 7) 202-225-4272/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Scott Austin (R-District 8) 202-225-6531/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Doug Collins (R-District 9) 202-225-9893/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Jody Hice (R-District 10) 202-225-4101/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-District 11) 202-225-2931/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Rick Allen (R-District 12) 202-225-2823/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. David Scott (D-District 13) 202-225-2939/E-mail/Twitter
  • Rep. Tom Graves (R-District 14) 202-225-5211/E-mail/Twitter

Georgia Update

Last week many of you responded to my e-mail request to contact Gov. Nathan Deal and thank him for directing the Department of Community Health and the Department of Public Health to conduct a joint review of the clinics run by Planned Parenthood Southeast in Georgia to ensure that Planned Parenthood Southeast is not in the business of selling aborted body parts.  Thank you!

Immediately after the directive was issued, I reached out to the Governor’s office, the Department of Community Health and the Department of Public Health to express our support of the directive and to inquire of their progress on the review of Georgia’s Planned Parenthood clinics.  I will be e-mailing updates of the review process as I know them.

 Please pray:  Ask the Lord to give those who end up investigating on a national level and state level the wisdom to discover the truth and the courage to speak it.

For Life!
Tanya Ditty
State Director