The Beauty of God’s Model for Marriage on Display

By December 11, 2014Legal

humanumI told you about the recent Vatican conference on the complementarity of man and woman. It was billed as an international colloquium where leaders and scholars of many different religions and worldviews across the globe discussed the uniqueness of the relationship of one man and one woman in marriage. One of the many positive resources developed for the conference was a series of videos that dealt with different aspects of the union of a man and a woman. I would encourage you to take some time and view them, they are excellent:
I. The Destiny of Humanity: On the Meaning of Marriage

II. The Cradle of Life & Love: A Mother & Father for the World’s Children

III. Understanding Man & Woman

IV. A Hidden Sweetness: The Power of Marriage Amid Hardship

V. Challenge & Hope for a New Generation

VI. Marriage, Culture & Civil Society