The Battle for Babies is Not Over in El Centro

By February 27, 2015California

CA El Centro Board bPlanned Parenthood gets a green light in a hidden vote. But the community hasn’t surrendered yet.

“Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.” (John 3:19)

It wasn’t on the agenda, and it wasn’t done in open session, but the El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC) Board of Trustees made the shameful decision to allow the murder of countless innocent children and the subsequent grief of empty arms, broken hearts, and wounded souls of would-be mommies. And how did they do it? By splitting the vote evenly 3-3 with the President of the Board abstaining causing it to default to the hospital CEO. Cowardice at its worst.

In spite of the reported 3,000 protestors, in spite of the guarantee of free legal representation from Supreme Court level attorney David Gibbs, in spite of real testimonies from heart-broken post-abortive women, in spite of 8 out of 10 residents opposing the abortion practice, Planned Parenthood was given a free pass to poison a community holding strong family and pro-life values. Planned Parenthood is not wanted by an overwhelming majority of the community, but the community was grossly unrepresented and handed into the arms of the ancient pagan god Molech, god of the death of countless babies.

Since the ECRMC Board of Trustees is appointed by the City Council, our plan is to appeal to the Council to dissolve the transfer agreement with Planned Parenthood. The next meeting is this Tuesday, March 3. Attorney Gibbs plans to be in attendance.

I hope to see you there, my friends.

This battle has only begun. We will not hand over our children so easily. Gear up, brave ones. We have work to do. To quote local Imperial Valley pastor, Chris Nunn, “We must stay the course until this agreement is denied! Babies’ lives depend on it.”

Take Action:

1. Attend the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. Come early so the Council Members see the crowd.

El Centro City Hall
1275 Main Street
El Centro, CA 92243

2. If you live in El Centro, contact El Centro City Council Members and respectfully express your opinion. They are currently receiving 6-10 emails a day. We need ten times that much. E-mail addresses are provided below.
3. If you live in the Imperial Valley, sign up for 40 Days for Life.
4. Follow the Imperial Valley Coalition for Life on Facebook.
5. If you live in El Centro, please print this petition, sign it and get as many as possible to sign as well. Send it to Christ Community Church, 590 West Orange Ave., El Centro, CA, 92243 or e-mail it to by Monday, March 2.
6. Please forward this e-alert on to like-minded friends, family, pastors and acquaintances.

Pray for each City Council member by name. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the horrors of abortion and give them the courage to stand against it.

El Centro City Council:

Efrain Silva –
Sedelia Sanders –
Alex Cardenas –
Cheryl Walker –
Jason Jackson (Mayor Pro-Tem) –
City Council voicemail – (760) 336-8989

More information:

• View video of Attorney David Gibbs’ statement to the board and to the protesters.
Read about my experience of giving my statement before the board as I spoke of the abortion I had 21 years ago.
• The Desert Review reported: Centro Hospital Trustees Vote for Planned Parenthood Agreement

For Life!

Kori Peterson
Area Director
CWA of Southern California