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Thank Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) for Courageously Opposing Gambling

By January 26, 2015Wisconsin
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Dear CWA of Wisconsin Supporters,

It is a difficult world we live in. There is so much opportunity available at our fingertips; however, not all of it is good for our souls. Scripture advises us constantly we should avoid getting caught up in the material pleasures of this life. We are warned to beware of the trap we can fall into when our focus is on material gain.

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

Gambling is one of those traps. For many people, the experience of going out and spending a few bucks at a casino may seem harmless; however, for others it can become a disastrous road to self-destruction.

I speak from personal knowledge about how the addiction of gambling can ruin not only a family but also a loved one’s soul. The misjudgment of taking one’s hard-earned dollars and depositing them loosely into a machine in the hopes of a larger payback has taken over the lives of a few elderly members of my family. The results of each member’s gambling addiction has been crushing, both financially and spiritually, and has stamped a mark of defeat at the end of a good person’s life.

My family’s experiences are not unique. Ever since the legalization of gambling, thousands upon thousands of lives and families have been demolished. In an effort to help one person’s path to get rich, others are sacrificed along the way. This is not a success story.

Governor Walker has made a very difficult decision in not supporting additional Wisconsin Casinos, which will certainly be unpopular to some. Knowing that our Governor has a deep relationship with God, his decision was undoubtedly a result of much prayer.

Concerned Women for America of Wisconsin would like to thank our Governor immensely. His decision was triumphant for Wisconsin families.

Please call our Governor today at 608-266-1212 and tell him “Thank you!”

One thank you can go a long way to a person who is faced with so many extremely difficult decisions on a daily basis.