Concerned Women for America & Young Women for America
“These older women must train the younger women …” Titus 2:4

Strengthening the Unity Between the Generations
By Dilonna Coran, State Director, Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania
There is much pressure to keep the next generation of women from living out their faith. They need our support and encouragement to navigate through the daily onslaught of the cultural battles facing their generation. As we work together, we impact change to the policy narrative in our ever-shifting cultural landscape.
The Titus 2 principle is very dear to my heart because it is an extension of loving one another. Simply put, it’s older women standing in the gap for young women to help them walk out their destinies and chase the dreams the Lord has placed in their hearts.
This is the very heart and beauty of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania. We are comprised of versatile, creative, and innovative women from all across our Commonwealth. We are a diverse team representing a wide range of ages in various seasons of life, all with different personalities and giftings, as we bring our own stories to the table.
And it’s what I love about working with the outstanding ladies of Young Women for America (YWA). Grace Reilly, President of Grove City College’s YWA Chapter, serves on CWA of Pennsylvania’s Steering Committee as an education and sexual exploitation issue specialist. You can read Grace’s article on why she is involved with YWA below.

With this strategic CWA/YWA partnership, we are taking back the narrative facing our state and nation. We are putting Titus 2:3-5 into action! In these days of gender-neutral bathrooms, drag-queen story hours and performances, indoctrination of our children, same-sex marriage, infanticide, and the ever-increasing hostility toward anything Christian, we need the Titus 2 principle more than ever! This relationship makes the efforts of good policy at our state capitol critically alive.
Working together with the next generation of female leaders is part of the necessary process to change the course of our culture. It isn’t so much about speed but direction. I can’t help but relate our efforts to a grain of mustard seed. Jesus taught His disciples that seed is small, hidden from the natural eye, and seemingly insignificant. And there isn’t anything seemingly significant about a seed sower either. Often there is no recognition, no quick results, no pomp, no fans cheering us on from the sidelines, no immediate returns. We just faithfully continue to sow the seed.
It can seem insignificant but remember, our labor to see good policy in Pennsylvania is never insignificant! All the seeds we have sown to advance religious liberty, life, election reform, parental rights, protecting children, and saving women’s sports within our state are really just simple steps of obedience. Nothing extravagant or to write home about, but it is what we do as CWA of Pennsylvania.
The role of CWA is to remind, educate, and inspire us to call this nation back to Biblical principles. This is how God uses us for His great purposes as we pour love into the next generation. It’s the small victories that add up to bringing incremental change. And these victories can show up in unexpected places and in different sizes. Perhaps this is why Paul reminds us to, “. . . not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9).
Our allegiance to truth will yield incremental victories, so let’s keep pressing. Don’t get discouraged by the current climate at our State Capitol and in the community where you live. In the hands of God, tiny seeds can produce policy-changing results. Don’t lose hope, for in due time, you will be amazed at the fruit that comes from your labor of love and the seeds you sow.
Join the efforts of CWA of Pennsylvania and YWA as we strengthen the unity between the generations! Together, we will not cease sowing! It is what we have been created to do.
The Bond Between the Generations is of Incredible Value
By Grace Reilly, Young Women for America President, Grove City College
A community of conservative women centered in Christ is the foundation of Young Women for America (YWA) at Grove City College. I have had the privilege of serving as the President of Grove City College’s YWA Chapter this year and am incredibly thankful for the organization.
The values anchoring YWA in Christ are what makes the organization so special. Our chapter, alongside other YWA chapters nationally, does not shy away from difficult political topics. Instead, we face political issues head-on through a Christian lens. It is incredibly rare to find a community of Christian conservative women who demonstrate such a bold drive and passion to make a difference.

President Ronald Reagan described freedom as never being more than one generation away from extinction. He noted that it is our responsibility to steward and preserve it. YWA extends from CWA to inspire the younger generation to stand up and carry the torch forward. YWA’s Grove City Chaplain, Sophia Smokowicz, explained her perspective on the community that YWA fosters. She explained, “What I find so charming about YWA at Grove City is that it’s not strictly political but instead welcomes deeper discussions of the purpose and value of life and how we, as Christian women, can further God’s kingdom with bold humility!”
I recently joined Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania’s Steering Committee as an Issues Specialist on Education and Sexual Exploitation. The joint effort of YWA with the state effort is of paramount importance in furthering CWA’s mission. The bond between the generations of Christian conservative women is incredibly valuable as we unite to pray and take action. We are stronger together, with the generations working together and linking arms.
It’s Time to Take the Next Step
No matter your age or season of life, know that you are needed. Find out today how to join the team! Contact us at or 570-567-4171, and/or consider giving a tax-deductible gift for our efforts here in Pennsylvania by going here.