State Legislative Update: Faith-Based Adoptions and Marijuana

By March 5, 2018Georgia

Last Wednesday was Crossover Day in the state legislature. Crossover Day is the last day for bills to “cross over” from one chamber to the other and still have an opportunity to become law. Many bills we opposed (casinos and “hate crimes”) failed to pass out of either chamber so they are most likely dead. There are only ten days left in the 2018 session, and I wanted to update you on two bills that we will focus on until the end of the session.

Adoption and Foster Care Legislation
The House and Senate passed HB 159, the massive rewrite of Georgia’s adoption code which had not been updated since 1990. Because faith-based adoption agency protections were removed from HB 159, Sen. William Ligon (R-Brunswick) has introduced SB 375, the “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act.”  SB 375 will ensure that the State of Georgia will continue to respect the special missions of faith-based child-placing agencies as this State has always done. Georgia has the constitutional duty to proactively protect the first freedom of the First Amendment for religious persons and their institutions.

Status: SB 375 passed out of the Senate and is now in the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.

Action: Call or e-mail your state representative and urge him/her to support SB 375 if it comes to the House floor for a vote. Click here if you do not know the name of your state representative.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.

Watch for additional action items on SB 375 later this week.

Please pray that SB 375 will pass the House and that Gov. Deal will sign the bill. It will be an uphill fight to get this bill passed. However, James 5:16 promises that, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

HB 764, a bill that would add intractable pain and post-stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of conditions that are permitted to be treated with THC oil (cannabis oil), passed the House and is now being considered by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Let’s Get Clear Georgia, who advocates preventing marijuana abuse, says this about HB 764, “Because so many persons will claim to have intractable pain, whether they do or not, including intractable pain as a condition will mean de facto recreational legalization of marijuana in Georgia.”   Educate yourself by reading 3 Reasons to Oppose Chronic Pain As Yet Another Condition.

Action: Call or e-mail your state senator and urge him/her to oppose HB 764 when it comes to the Senate floor for a vote.  Click here if you do not know the name of your state senator.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.

Pray that HB 764 will not move in the Senate.

Additional Legislation
We are monitoring several other bills on issues such as casinos, sex trafficking, pornography, and more. Click here for the latest updates on CWA of Georgia’s targeted list of bills.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  – Galatians 6:9

Once again, thank you for both your prayers and action.

Tanya Ditty
State Director
CWA of Georgia