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State Director Testifies in Support of An Act to Prohibit Female Genital Mutilation

By May 5, 2017Maine
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Statement by
Penelope A. Morrell, State Director
Concerned Women for America of Maine

To Members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee
Regarding L.D. #745, “An Act to Prohibit Female Genital Mutilation”

May 5, 2017

Chairs Sen. Rosen and Rep. Warren, and distinguished members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony on this legislation. I’m Penny Morrell, State Director of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine.

CWA of Maine supports L.D. #745.

Concerned Women for America is concerned about the protection of innocent human life – including protecting the unborn from abortion, fetal tissue experimentation, and embryonic research; and society from euthanasia, cloning, population control and human genetic engineering.  Our goal is to pass laws to protect our society from practices and policies that endanger or debase innocent human life.

The genital mutilation of a female under the age of 18 for any reason other than for health purposes debases and endangers the lives of young girls and is not in the best interest of the child who must be protected.

We urge this committee to vote “ought to pass”.   Thank you.