Stand Strong with Kavanaugh

By September 21, 2018California

Thank you so much for your commitment to pray and take action on issues affecting California and our nation. Today I ask that you join with me to pray and act on behalf of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. It is imperative that we do all we can for this outstanding nominee, for the sake of our great state. Because California has some of the most liberal laws in the country, Judge Kavanaugh getting confirmed could have a huge impact on pushing back some of our unconstitutional laws.

As you know it is our Senator that caused much of the confusion around which the Senate Judiciary Committee currently finds itself. It of course was Sen. Feinstein (D-California) who brought Christian Blasey Ford’s alleged sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh to the committee only days before they were to vote.  Why didn’t she immediately bring it to their attention when she received it back in July? Why didn’t she ask questions during the appointed questioning and interviewing period? She could have questioned Judge Kavanaugh during her private interview with him, let along during the confirmation hearings, where over 1200 questions were asked of Judge Kavanaugh.

We would never want to overlook, diminish, or accept the abuse of women in any form. As advocates for women we do not condone any male taking advantage of any female.  Yet, the evidence before us is missing key details, therefore making it more than suspect. Ford may have experienced something awful, but not knowing when and where, conflicting details with the notes of her therapist and having never reported the alleged situation to the authorities in over 35 years, makes her account suspicious.

Please take a moment to read CEO and President, Penny Nance’s response in the USA Today: Kavanaugh, too? Christine Blasey Ford’s Account is Missing Key Details of Assault. Plus, watch her on The Ingraham Angel with Laura Ingraham on this issue.

We must wisely take into account the person accused. Judge Kavanaugh has gone through FBI vetting and has a stellar record at work and in his personal life.  Kavanaugh said, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”

Until definitive evidence is provable, his impeccable public record of judicial prudence and the preponderance of evidence for his personal integrity requires the continued support of CWA of California for his appointment to the United States Supreme Court.

It is imperative that our Senators know where we stand.  They are getting a lot of kodos for their actions, they need to now hear from us.

Please take action:

Contact both of our Senators.  Respectfully let them know what you think of this situation.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of California.

Sen. Kamala Harris
Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Please pray: Pray for both our senators.  Pray their eyes will be open first and foremost towards the gospel. Pray their schemes to discredit Kavanaugh will be thwarted.  Pray Kavanaugh will be confirmed quickly.

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California