Speak Out for Life in Support of the Abortion Pill Reversal Bill

By January 25, 2019North Dakota

On Monday, January 21, Concerned Women for America of North Dakota provided testimony to the House Human Services Committee on HB 1336, the abortion pill reversal bill.  This bill mandates that abortionists tell women seeking an abortion about the possibility of reversing the effects of an abortion-inducing drug if they change their mind.  The bill also requires women to be given information about the abortion-inducing drug, in writing, and assistance with reversing the effects of the drug.

Media on the hearing:

Status of bill: HB 1336 received a Do Pass out of committee on an 8-3 vote.  The bill now heads to the House floor for a vote.  

Please Act TODAY:  Contact your two House members and ask them for a “Yes” vote on HB 1336, the Abortion Pill Information Consent bill. To find your House members and their contact information, click here and then type in your street number and zip code. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.  If time allows, please send an e-mail message to all House members listed below and ask for a “Yes” vote on HB 1336, the Abortion Pill Information Consent bill. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

mkadams@nd.gov, bertanderson@nd.gov, dickanderson@nd.gov, tbeadle@nd.gov, pkanderson@nd.gov, rcbecker@nd.gov, lbellew@nd.gov, jblum@nd.gov, tboe@nd.gov, gdbosch@nd.gov, jboschee@nd.gov, mbrandenburg@nd.gov, rbuffalo@nd.gov, cdamschen@nd.gov, jdelzer@nd.gov, gdobervich@nd.gov, jddockter@nd.gov, meidson@nd.gov, sertelt@nd.gov, cfegley@nd.gov, jayfisher@nd.gov, jgrueneich@nd.gov, rguggisberg@nd.gov, rguggisberg@nd.gov, lbhager@nd.gov, krhanson@nd.gov, phatlestad@nd.gov, cheadland@nd.gov, pdheinert@nd.gov, rholman@nd.gov, jahoverson@nd.gov, mchowe@nd.gov, craigjohnson@nd.gov, djohnson@nd.gov, marycjohnson@nd.gov, dljohnston@nd.gov, tbjones@nd.gov, tkading@nd.gov, kkarls@nd.gov, jkasper@nd.gov, gkeiser@nd.gov, kkempenich@nd.gov, dhkiefert@nd.gov, lklemin@nd.gov, bkoppelman@nd.gov, kkoppelman@nd.gov, gkreidt@nd.gov, vrlaning@nd.gov, mlefor@nd.gov, dlongmuir@nd.gov, sclouser@nd.gov, jmagrum@nd.gov, amarschall@nd.gov, bmartinson@nd.gov, amcwilliams@nd.gov, lmeier@nd.gov, amitskog@nd.gov, crmock@nd.gov, dmonson@nd.gov, mrnathe@nd.gov, jonelson@nd.gov, menelson@nd.gov, eobrien@nd.gov, mowens@nd.gov, bpaulson@nd.gov, gpaur@nd.gov, cpollert@nd.gov, tkporter@nd.gov, bpyle@nd.gov, dwrichter@nd.gov, sroersjones@nd.gov, kmrohr@nd.gov, druby@nd.gov, mruby@nd.gov, masanford@nd.gov, blsatrom@nd.gov, mischatz@nd.gov, aschauer@nd.gov, jeschmidt@nd.gov, mschneider@nd.gov, rschobinger@nd.gov, cschreiberbeck@nd.gov, lsimons@nd.gov, kskroch@nd.gov, vsteiner@nd.gov, mstrinden@nd.gov, nptoman@nd.gov, wtrottier@nd.gov, btveit@nd.gov, smvetter@nd.gov, dwvigesaa@nd.gov, rweisz@nd.gov, gwestlind@nd.gov, dzubke@nd.gov

Pray! Join us in praying for healing for mothers who have had an abortion. Dear Heavenly Father, give comfort that only comes from You to face the future, knowing that forgiveness is free and complete.  Give mothers faith to believe they are forgiven, made pure and that there is no sin that is so bad that You are unwilling to forgive.  May we love one another as You have first loved us!  Thank You, Jesus.  Amen.

“In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).

What will you do to help bring healing to our land?  Will you send a message to our legislators?  Your voice matters!

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota