South Carolina State Senate Takes Up Heartbeat Bill

By January 26, 2021South Carolina

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13

The South Carolina legislative session has begun, and Concerned Women for America of South Carolina has assessed and set its sights on the bills that we will support, as well as those we will oppose. The first bill we are supporting and very excited about is S1, The SC Fetal Heartbeat Protection from Abortion Act, the “Heartbeat Bill.” S1 would prohibit abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected (6-8 weeks).

We have all experienced the significance of a beating heart. Whether it is at the bedside of a loved one passing from this life into the next or in the doctor’s office hearing the heartbeat of a new life just beginning, with the passage of S1, that same indicator of life will finally be acknowledged and protected in the womb. The legislation would also be the strongest pro-life bill passed in our state legislature.

S1 is scheduled to be debated on the Senate floor this week!

Please take action!

  1. Call and/or e-mail your state senator and encourage him or her to support S1. Let them know that you want this bill passed with no amendments. If you are a member of CWA of South Carolina, be sure to let them know. If you are unsure who your senator is, please click here.
  2. Follow up with an e-mail to your senator.
  3. Please forward this information to like-minded friends and family. Encourage them to pray and take action on this important legislation. 

Keep this issue in prayer. We pray that God will confuse the enemy and thwart their plans to potentially block this bill. Pray for your senator by name as you contact them. May he or she be wise and courageous.

For a summary of the proposed legislation, please click here.

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.

Madison Rainey
State Director