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‘So, So Jaded’: The Campaign to Stop Brett Kavanaugh Struggles for Liftoff

By August 13, 2018LBB, News and Events
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Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) “Women for Kavanaugh Bus Tour” was featured in a recent New York Times article describing the failure of those who want to oppose Judge Kavanaugh from gaining any traction. In “‘So, So Jaded’: The Campaign to Stop Brett Kavanaugh Struggles for Liftoff,” reporters Nicholas Fandos and Catie Edmondson, write “[A]cross the country this August, energizing and sustaining on-the-ground opposition to a nominee whom most Republicans and some moderate Democrats have deemed well qualified has been difficult…” Indeed. On the other hand, the enthusiasm in support of Judge Kavanaugh continues to grow as the highlights from CWA’s Women for Kavanaugh Bus Tour show.