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Sheriff Candidate Forum a Great Success

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The Concerned Women for America of Virginia (CWA) Forest Prayer/Action Chapter sponsored a Sheriff Candidate Forum last month. Since CWA is non-partisan, this informational and educational forum was held so that our members will be well educated when they go to the polls.

A special thank you goes out to our host church, Forest Alliance Church, located on Jefferson Road in Forest. The fellowship hall was packed out with CWA members, guests, and four of the five candidates running for sheriff.

The candidates desiring to be our next Bedford County Sheriff who were present were: Tim Hayden (I), Mike Miller (R), Kent Robey (R), and David Wells (R). James Kirkland (I) was unavailable to attend.   Each candidate vying for the position comes with years of police experience.   They all gave an overview of what they see their role is as sheriff of Bedford County and a list of desired action points. The candidates all agreed that school safety is a concern and additional School Resource Officers are needed, however, they said they would show restraint on adding to the tax burden of the residents of Bedford County.

On the questions of marijuana decriminalization and gambling/casinos, all were in agreement that marijuana is a gateway drug and all forms of gambling, including the lottery, is detrimental to families. They all oppose the decriminalization of marijuana and all forms of gambling.

Concerning the question on “hate crimes,” all the candidates expressed that a crime is a crime and if a law is on the books, enforce it. They all echoed that if you have been a victim of any crime, hate or otherwise, report it.

The majority spoke very firmly that they supported the Second Amendment and expressed that it is not the gun that kills but the person pulling the trigger.

 Kent Robey, Tim Hayden, Mike Miller, and David Wells