Save Women’s Sports Passes State Senate

By June 8, 2022Pennsylvania

State Legislature Protects Female Athletes

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania represented your voice on Tuesday, June 7, in Harrisburg, lobbying for passage of the women’s sports bill and participating in a press conference hosted by our ally Pennsylvania Family Institute. You can read my press statement here and view my press remarks below. 


Read coverage in the Philadelphia Tribune.


Because of your calls, emails, and texts, the Pennsylvania State Senate passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act (SB 1191, the Senate version of HB 972). Because two versions of the bill were passed, SB 1191 will be sent to the House for consideration. We will update you soon on the next steps for the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.


You can read my previous updates on the bills here, here, and here.o