Referendum Questions on the Maine Ballot – Marijuana, Education, Gun Control, Minimum Wage and Ranked Choice Voting – Be Informed!

By October 18, 2016Maine

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) held an informational event at the North Belgrade Community Center last Wednesday.  We are concerned about the referendum questions that will appear on the November 8 Maine ballot and it was our desire to inform as many voters as possible on the ramifications of the outcome of the vote.

If you missed the event and haven’t had a chance to read up on the issues at hand, please read on.  Plus, check out our brochure, Be an Informed Voter, on our webpage for more information.

Questions 1, 2 and 5 are CWA core issues and we recommend a “NO” vote on them.  Questions 3 and 4 are not reflected in our core issues, but we strongly encourage the voters to read the information out there on those issues and make an informed vote on November 8.

Question 1: “Do you want to allow the possession and use of marijuana under State law by persons who are at least 21 years of age, and allow the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, testing, and sale of marijuana and marijuana products subject to State regulation, taxation, and local ordinance?”

1012161914b-cropedThis act will legalize marijuana, making it more accessible to children and raising the cost of our justice system, but Sheriff Mark Dion falsely claimed the act will lower it.  Scott Gagnon presented his case against the passage of Question 1.  He is the leader of the “No on 1” campaign and is the substance abuse prevention manager for Healthy Androscoggin, the Drug Free Communities coalition serving Androscoggin County.  He also serves as the Chairman for the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse Steering Committee.

Vote “NO”.

Question 2: “Do you want to add a 3% tax on individual Maine taxable income above $200,000 to create a state fund that would provide direct support for student learning in kindergarten through 12th grade public education?”

meg2This act will make a particular portion of our population pay more than the rest in income taxes.  That is unconstitutional and unfair.  Megan Sanborn was our presenter on this question.  She is the Government Relations Specialist at Pierce Atwood and Campaign Coordinator for Question 2.  She has worked in Maine politics for nearly eight years.  She has worked on the campaign side for candidates and referendums with fundraising, event coordinating and PAC management.  She has developed relationships with Maine legislators as well as Maine’s Congressional Delegation and their staff through her work at the Maine Association of Realtors and at the Maine Secretary of State’s Office.

Vote “NO”.

Question 3: “Do you want to require background checks prior to the sale or transfer of firearms between individuals not licensed as firearms dealers, with failure to do so punishable by law, and with some exceptions for family members, hunting, self-defense, lawful competitions, and shooting range activity?”

1012161943-cropedWe were fortunate to have Jeff Zimba present the facts of this question.  Jeff is the Maine Firearms Policy Specialist for the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine.  He is the author of “The Evolution of the Black Rifle” and a master registered Maine guide specializing in veterans’ outreach programs.  Zimba is an award winning author with several hundred published articles and videos to his credit.

Question 4: “Do you want to raise the minimum hourly wage of $7.50 to $9 in 2017, with annual $1 increases up to $12 in 2020, and annual cost-of-living increases thereafter, and do you want to raise the direct wage for service workers who receive tips from half the minimum wage to $5 in 2017, with annual $1 increases until it reaches the adjusted minimum wage?”

We were unable to obtain a speaker on this issue.

Question 5: “Do you want to allow voters to rank their choices of candidates in elections for U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor, State Senate, and State Representative, and to have ballots counted at the State level in multiple rounds in which last-place candidates are eliminated until a candidate wins by majority?”

1012161829-cropedRanked-choice voting has been tried in other states and municipalities, but has ceased because it’s unconstitutional and unfair.  It invalidates votes and can make losers winners.  Rep. Heather Sirocki (R-Scarborough) presented why this is bad policy.  Because this question is so egregious and bad for Maine, she’s traveling all over the state to make voters aware of its implications.

Vote “NO”.

Please continue to pray for the presidential, state and local races and these referendum questions.  May we seek the Lord in all these matters.

Penny Morrell
State Director
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee