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Recommended Reading: Convention of States ‘not worth the risk’

By May 7, 2018South Dakota
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A must read on concerning the problems with Article V Convention, AKA Convention of States.

Convention of States ‘not worth the risk’

Polls are strange creatures. A pollster can get just about any outcome he wants just by the question’s language. “Send Message to Washington: Pass SJR3” touted that 72 percent of South Dakotans want the legislature to pass the Convention of States (COS) resolution.

Was the poll question, “Do you support limited federal spending or limited federal power?” Who wouldn’t want to send that message to Washington? Did the pollster mention that the COS scheme, in order to achieve their goal, will put our U.S. Constitution at risk? Did he cite that we currently have fiscal and power restraints clearly enumerated in our Constitution? Did he point out that the COS already has stated their ambition to “clarify” the Second Amendment as was also advocated by Former Justice Stevens? Was it mentioned that two states have proposed eliminating the Electoral College? If that can be accomplished, how easy is it to make other revisions proposed by special interests at COS?

Maybe our lawmakers who are out of compliance with the Constitution should just read and obey the document that has outlasted every government document ever written worldwide.

The COS plot sounds like pie-in-the-sky, and is it worth the risk?